Hard Work overcomes Talent, when Talent refuses to Work Hard....DO WORK!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Home Dual 12-2-10 v, Mcintosh

     First home match vs Mcintosh, still down four key wrestlers we battle hard for a close loss.  We did get Higgins back on the mat but lost Mathis.  Still out are Nelson, B. Shea, and Sherwood, hope to see them back soon.  We start the night out with our back-up heavy weight.  He builds a big lead and wrestles well, but takes the fall later.  Next up we also take a fall at 103 and forfeit the 112, already down 18 points we need help quick.  At 119 J. Krzysiak gets the quick upset pin and starts us on a roll.  Higgins coming in at 125 has a back and forth battle before he gets the pin in his debut bout, welcome back!  Next we have Cox wresting up at 130, thanks to a 5 lb breakfast prepared by his mom the day before.  He gets mauled the first round,  but keeps the score tied 5-5.  The second round started the same, but Cox pulls out the anderson stack from his dress socks and gets the pin for a 5-1 record.  We take a loss at 135 and Ragland looks like a veteran at 140 with a smooth victory.  Mcintosh takes both 145 and 152 before Rogerson steps in at 160.  Another young wrestler in experience, Rogerson looks impressive again.  He dominates his match and gets the pin.  We lose the 171 and the 189 matches with Reeves up last.  No big surprise here, Reeves at 215 wins with a early 2nd round pin.  In control all the way, Reeves said his opponent was country strong, I say he was PTC strong, and Reeves is country strong at 6-0.                                               

       A big thank you to our supporters and fans tonight.  We also have the best Wrestlerettes around and want to thank them for their hard work. The kids are doing a great job and the coaches are doing all they can to push this program in the right direction.  We as parents have to jump in now and push them both for continued success.

      Next match will be at Harrison High school, 12-4-10 at 9 am.  This is our first tournament of the year so make your way up north to cheer these guys on.  Our next home match will be against regional foes Luella and Newton, 12-7-10 at 5:30.  Thanks and see ya then!!

Evelyn and her girls


B. Shea

Reeves 215 at work

Rogerson 160 with pin

T. Pullen
Coaches Flavin - Buck - Josh

Cox                Higgins               Nelson             

Pre Match

O. Beasley


Higgins 125

Buck                       Cox 130     


 Cox pins


Pretty maids all in a row

Reeves 6-0

Laurie and Denise

Team Support ~ Joshua & Patty Mathis

Ragland 140

Ragland with pin

Z. Krzysiak

Z. Krzysiak
Todd, Joshua & Patty


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